Thursday 29 November 2012

Human naughts and crosses

Today at Enrich the day was started with a Wilson game called human naughts and crosses. It was pretty much like naughts and crosses but instead of squares we had chairs, instead of naughts and crosses we had people and the board was much much bigger. Three boards were set up and we were spilt up into teams of four. Four against four on my board and five against five on the other boards.There were five games on each board.The winner was... drum roll please (drumming) MY TEAM!!!!!woo!!!(cheering, screaming and clapping) and booing just kidding.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Thursday 25 October 2012

Today at Enrich

Hi!!! It's me Liam doing my blog post on the mat at Enrich.We started the day with a Wilson game called "All or nothing". In which  my team didn't win but we didn't lose either, we came second.  Next we did passion time.  For passion time Dylan and I did  lego comic builder but instead of star wars we did Batman. After that we did chess, I played Dylan. But we didn't  have time to finish it.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Back at Enrich

HI! This is Liam at Enrich I have decided to do a video blogpost enjoy!!!.Ps there are also my next three comic pages

Thursday 27 September 2012

Last week of the term

Hi! This is the last day of the term at Enrich and I have decided to do a video blog post.

Ps there is also my next three page's of my lego comic.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Lego comic builder

Today at Enrich at chess I played two games of chess, one against Matt and one against my friend Dylan.Unfortunately I lost them both.After that we had passion time.In passion time I did lego comic builder star wars on haven't finished it yet but I am working on it.Here are the first three pages.