Monday, 26 March 2012

Today at enrich

Today at enrich was really fun. We had another chess workshop that some of us did including me. After the workshop we were told to verse each other in chess, while we were doing that everybody else played chess the whole way through.Today I also did the multiple intelligences test and at the end it had categories  of different types of intelligences and how smart you are in that category. It showed that I have a strength with numbers and maths which I agree with!

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Today at enrich

Today we did some chess. Some people including me did a workshop and we were told some hints for playing. At the end of the workshop we were told to verse each other in chess matches and everybody else played chess the whole way through .I chose to do drama. In drama were doing something called readers theater which is when you do a play by using your voice.

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Today at enrich we did SCAMPER  which is when we have a item and do different things with it. In the word SCAMPER each letter stands for something . S stands for  substitute C stands for combine M stands for mega/mini P stands for put to other uses E stands for eliminate and  R stands for reverse.All these things we had to do with the item we were given and take a picture with a camera that we were given it was really fun.

We were given some riddles to try and figure out  try and figure this out






Here's another one:

Dee septor the famous magician
claimed to be able to throw a ping
pong ball so that it would go a 
short distance come to a complete
stop and then reverse itself.He also
added that he would not bounce
the ball off any object or tie
anything to it how could he perform
this trick.